January Tenant of the Month

Meet our newest Tenant of the Month, Brooke Baker

Here is what Brooke shared with us:

I love living with the Unique Properties because of the very affordable living with many benefits to my home along with very cheap and easy parking. 

I also really appreciate ALL of the staff! The maintenance people have great personalities and are always willing to help. 

I am currently a sophomore at EIU studying Finance while also working as a  part time teller at First Mid Bank & Trust. 

My favorite thing about Charleston is how close it is to where I grew up and the amazing people I have met through school. 

 I spend my free time hanging out with friends and visiting family. 

A random fact about me is that I grew up on a farm about 30 minutes out of Charleston. I also graduated high school with only 11 other students and was one of three girls in my whole grade.